We have a wide range of screens available for many makes and models, not all are shown here. Check the My Motorcycle section of the Givi website to see options for your bike, and contact us for pricing and availability.
The product list below is sorted by engine size. Some screens require a specific fitting kit (sold separately), which will be mentioned in the description if needed. If you would like more information on a particular screen, please get in touch.
If you can't see a screen to suit your bike, take a look at the universal screen options from Givi. Some specific Kawaski options are:
Note: prices displayed for out of stock items may vary from current pricing. Please enquire for latest pricing and delivery times.
Orders can be shipped from either Auckland, Hamilton, Kihikihi, New Plymouth, Wellington or Christchurch warehouses. Depending on the location of items you have ordered, Motozone will ship your purchase from the closest location where possible.
New Zealand
Free shipping on order over $149.00.
For orders under $149.00, shipping throughout New Zealand is $7.99 for Urban and $12.99 for Rural Shipping.
In most cases shipping is overnight however it can take 2-3 days depending on time/day the order was placed. If delivery is to a rural address please allow a couple of extra days. We can ship to your place of work!
Free shipping on order over $149.00.
For orders under $149.00, shipping throughout Australia is $7.99
Delivery takes approx. 5-10 days delivery.
Any goods purchased from Motozone can be returned within 30 days of receipt for refund or exchange.
The goods must be returned new, unused, unaltered, not previously installed, and in a sellable condition with all of the original packaging.
This right of return will not cover items that are special orders and found to be an incorrect fit, this is the responsibility of the purchaser, however all other standard warranties will apply.
Freight costs will not be refunded.
For the returns process contact or phone Motozone with your invoice number and the reason for return. We will then email you the correct form for processing.