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Whites Pit Mat




Whites Pit Mat

The perfect addition to any garage, pit or showroom.

  • Large size mat - 190cm x 80cm
  • Durable nylon fibre mat top with non-slip backing
  • Oil absorbant and water resistant construction

The Whites Mat compliments any machine and displays the bike in all its glory.

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Free shipping on order over $149.00.

For orders under $149, shipping throughout New Zealand is $7.50

In most cases shipping is overnight however it can take 2-3 days depending on time/day the order was placed. If delivery is to a rural address please allow a couple of extra days. We can ship to your place of work!

Free shipping on order over $149.00.

For orders under $149, shipping throughout Australia is $7.50

Delivery takes approx. 5-10 days delivery.

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