R&G Cotton Reels
R&G Cotton Reels
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R&G Cotton Reels




R&G Cotton Reels
M8 Cotton Reels R&G [AC] - $61.00

Cotton Reels

A product with two uses, allowing the use of prong type paddock stands and helping to protect the swingarm of the bike.

Almost a mini version of R&G’s crash protectors the cotton reel is constructed of the same high density polyethylene (HDPE) and held in place with a de-embrittled steel bolt- designed to help absorb an impact rather than twist its mounting point.

Cotton Reels screw into the holes fitted to the underside of the swing arm on most bikes. For bikes that don’t have threaded holes R & G have developed off set cotton reels.

Offset Cotton Reels - Offset cotton reels are a mix of R&G spindle sliders and cotton reels and offer increased protection for the swingarm and using prong type paddock stands where there is no threaded mounting provision on the bikes swingarm. The brackets for the cotton reels are machined from aluminium and replace the standard chain adjusters.

See more at: http://www.rg-racing.com  

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